REST: This is nothing related to stress relaxation as REST is a Representational State Transfer software architecture for a scalable web services. It is based on principles, which are used in the largest distributed application – the World Wide Web. So every major development language now includes frameworks for building RESTful Web services. RESTful uses HTTP as its underlying […]
Author: Sidharth Sahu
Continuous Integration Tools

As described in my previous post about Continuous Integration and its benefits now coming up to the various TOOLS of Continuous integration. Automatic build cycle is the most basic function of any Continuous Integration . There are many in the queue a few listed below. Apache Continuum : Apache Continuum is a ready made enterprise continuous integration server […]
Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice in software engineering to blend a code into a shared repository several times a day. Thereby it becomes more easier to detect bugs and locate them. Its beyond the traditional agile scrum process with build in and test automation process. CI tools have the running unit tests and […]

Methods and concepts that are implemented to write a single codebase for apps that will eventually be used on different OS is what Cross Platform refers to. As per Mobile Development is concerned the two giant OS Android and iOS are way different for each other structurally, functionally and architecturally. The steeper you climb the […]

Its time to Re-Start. Working together will be much more fun than before. The much awaited Dockers container is finally coming on Windows. Linux developers use containers to isolate multiple applications and containers are build up with shared OS which means more efficient than usual Virtual Machines(VM). Docker has already created a buzz in the market […]
Distributed Caches

A cache is a memory based database made for quick retrieval of data in case of any failure. A distributed cache runs as an independent processes over various hubs and offer a single logical view (and state) of the cache. Distributed Cache can be used to distribute simple, read-only data/text files and application workloads that do more reading than […]

YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener How about having a pet name for your website. A short, geeky, precise URL for a long webURL is what YOURLS is. YOURLS is nothing but a set of PHP scripts and the best thing is all the versions of YOURLS are named after (metal) music celebrity. The latest one is YOURLS […]

A graph database is actually a group of nodes and edges. Every node represents associate entity (such as an individual or business) and every edge represents a association or relationship between 2 nodes. Every node in a graph database is outlined by a singular symbol, a collection of outgoing edges and/or incoming edges and a collection […]

XML is commonly utilized for web application messaging – sending information back to a browser from a web server, or sending information between web accommodations. It’s dead facile to do this and it works very well, hence XML has become the de-facto cull for data exchange for web applications. Alternatives such as YAML and JSON have […]

Ruby on Rails a well-known open source web application framework runs via the Ruby programming language. Often referred to as Rails is a full stack framework.It is fast, easy, beautiful and also encodes best practice for agile development. So here are a list of Servers to Run Rail 3 application. 1. Heroku…Platform as a Service […]