Server Administration

Apache Post Flooding Protection using Fail2Ban and IPTables

Here is a way to protect your LAMP server from a Post Flooding DDoS attack. Steps: Set up Fail2Ban and IPTables by following instructions here. Create a new file named /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/apache-postflood.conf with the following content: [Definition] # match these lines to find a login fail failregex = ^ .*\”POST [^\”]+\” # matches this example line: # […]

Server Administration

Docker’s Container Technology for Windows

Its time to Re-Start. Working together will be much more fun than before. The much awaited Dockers container is finally coming on Windows. Linux developers use containers to isolate multiple applications and containers are build up with shared OS which means more efficient than usual Virtual Machines(VM). Docker has already created a buzz in the market […]

Server Administration

3 Ruby Application Servers to Run your Rails 3 Applications

Ruby on Rails a well-known open source web application framework runs via the Ruby programming language. Often referred to as Rails is a full stack framework.It is fast, easy, beautiful and also encodes best practice for agile development. So here are a list of Servers to Run Rail 3 application. 1. Heroku…Platform as a Service […]

Server Administration Web Architecture

Caching strategy – Using varnish to handle high traffic

Varnish is an HTTP accelerator and is used as a caching strategy to reduce load on web server… you can find great guides on how to set it up and get started.But the more elusive question is WHEN TO USE VARNISH? Trying to streamline the caching strategy, we often had to rethink when to use Varnish. […]

How To Server Administration

[How To] Using NGinx as a Load Balancer

NGinx is an asynchronous event-driven web-server which has become immensely popular in recent years for its performance advantages. NGinx can be used is a reverse proxy to load balance HTTP requests among back-end servers. Here is how this can be achieved on a standard Ubuntu server: Setup —————————— |———-| Back-end Server 1 (BES1) | | […]