XML Archives - GeekTantra https://www.geektantra.com/tag/xml/ yet another geek's blog Mon, 18 Nov 2019 08:07:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 XML vs YAML vs JSON https://www.geektantra.com/2014/11/xml-vs-yaml-vs-json/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=xml-vs-yaml-vs-json Wed, 12 Nov 2014 12:03:05 +0000 http://www.geektantra.com/?p=781 XML is commonly utilized for web application messaging – sending information back to a browser from a web server, or sending information between web accommodations. It’s dead facile to do this and it works very well, hence XML has become the de-facto cull for data exchange for web applications. Alternatives such as YAML and JSON have […]

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